勾搭式挂片天花可使长距离的空间显得更宽敞,是长形空间不再因为距离而产生局促感,简洁而不平板,充足的光感与次序感,更使空间充满时尚气息。 Coupon ceiling hooked type can appear more spacious space distances, is an elongated space is no longer
Coupon ceiling hooked type can appear more spacious space distances, is an elongated space is no longer because of the distance and produce a sense of uneasiness, simple but not flat, plenty of light and a sense of order in a sense, more so that space is filled with fashionable.
Coupon ceiling hooked type can appear more spacious space distances, is an elongated space is no longer because of the distance and produce a sense of uneasiness, simple but not flat, plenty of light and a sense of order in a sense, more so that space is filled with fashionable.
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